You have no business making these monsters look so edible dude, all I see here is sushi
You have no business making these monsters look so edible dude, all I see here is sushi
Woah! If Ed Gein and Chris Chan had an unholy love child I'd have no problem believing that this was one of his demented hobbies
That look on her face is really cute, but...
I'd like to stay in one piece thank you very much
Just a friendly reminder to leave your shoes outside at the pearly gates if you mess with a male moose or deer in a closed space, let alone this fucking thing.
Remember to buy war bonds and always leave peanut butter out for our beloved overlords
We must bring sacrifices
Nah, just some cat nip.
I get a feeling that our friend here likes to torture plants for fun by sprinkling beetles everywhere
No... Yugi, Krusty has no heart in the cards! Your feast is ruined!
Fuck yeah this is the crossover of the century
Here we see two giants of industry negotiating a merge
AKA Swamp Ape, and Wolfman
Stock Monkey
Beer Bong Institute
Joined on 6/11/20